Didn’t See That One Coming…

So, never in my wildest dreams when I decided to go to school in Arkansas did I ever imagine having a snow day.  Then, I got TWO SNOW DAYS IN A ROW!!!  I realize that I don’t actually post much about “school” itself, but that’s because most of it is pretty boring…I mean, do you really want to read a blog that has posts about stuff like a chemical bond that results from sharing electrons between two elements with very similar electro-negativity?  Well, that would be a non-polar covalent.  And if you want to read about that, go find a chemistry blog somewhere.

Otherwise, stay here and look at pictures from my snow days!!  (I think that would be more enjoyable)



Pretty much the best interruption to a school week ever.  Two days off, one day on, another two days off.

I like it.

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